Well, here it is! Fall of 2014 and I'm wrapping up my last 6 credit course for my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science. Seems only yesterday I was balancing my laptop on my prego belly during my first year of college, and then onto the professors' voices lulling my infant to sleep during seminars. Now it's a toddler climbing all over me while I try to take timed tests and do research for my assignments. My education, however, is not ending there. I am going to be starting soon on my teaching certification for general science/biology for 6-12 grade, as I already started substituting in the local school district. I'll also be continuing with
Kaplan for my Master of Science in Health Education.
My passion lies more with the teenagers. That age where they either get it and thrive, or fall to the wayside because somewhere, someone along the lines gave up on them, and just getting them to have a conversation with you is like pulling teeth. In the end, if I can help one teen find their strength, motivation and self-worth, I'm doing good. It's tough, and there are plenty of subs that won't even dare come to the high school, but in the last month and a half, I have found it SO rewarding, and smile because I really feel I found where I was meant to be.

As some of you may know my husband has been deployed now since Easter of this year, and I'm happy to report that it's close to when we will be whole as a family again. He wishes to start his education journey as well, so it will be a very intense road for the next couple years. Lots of choices and decisions to make, so hopefully things will go smoothly, but they will indeed be a challenge.
Be sure to always challenge yourself. I know for me, my quest for my education has left little to no time to fit in certain things for myself, but I do try my best to be active and eat well. My body may not be where I want it to be, but I'm slowly losing weight and fighting the good fight. As long as I don't give up, right? Same with all of us. We may have obstacles, but they are never to be excuses. I look forward to continuing on my journey, because it will never be over!!
Have a great week!!