Saturday, June 17, 2017
Making Exercise A Priority
While incorporating Isagenix into my life, I've also been doing my best to keep on track with exercise. Exercise has so many benefits, not only for our body, but for our mind and soul as well. I took on a challenge last few months with the gals, Melissa and Shanda, I talked about in my Spotlight for Military Spouses Appreciation Day post, and this month with committing to walking at least 20 minutes a day with some of the ladies in that same group, but this past week I started "Shaun Week". It's been challenging, but fun all at the same time.
While some may give me heat for supporting Beachbody while being an Isagenix consultant, they can KMA! I know Isagenix nutrition is superior, but they don't offer workout programs, as they are strictly a nutrition company, so I will find my fun and fitness elsewhere! I LOVE BB WORKOUTS! And I love Shaun T! Sometimes we connect on a more personal level with certain people, and Shaun is definitely a trainer that I can easily be inspired and motivated by. Each day has been something different, from cardio and weights to basics and speed, this week has been about committing myself to exercise. Takes repetition to create habit, and exercise has always been my downfall when it comes to being the best me I can be. Beachbody on Demand has a 14 -day free trial too! (This is my second time with a free trial, as I had a 30 day free trial previously when it first came out.) NO hassle, NO risk! Just call and cancel if it's not for you, but the variety is amazing.
There will always be free workouts online, like one of my fav guys, The Fitness Marshall, on YouTube, whose cardio dance fitness workouts are SO much fun. I'm a dance fitness girl, so I love anything with loud, fun, energetic music that gets me dancing! (Hence the Zumba certification! LOL) It's all about finding what you love and sticking with it. Making it a routine, just like going to school, work, or any other obligation you may have.
Anywho, hope you have a great weekend!! I'm over here enjoying one of Isagenix seasonal shake flavors - MOCHA!!! Added my Greens and Ionix to it, and I'm set for the day! Enjoy!!
Monday, June 12, 2017
When Life Gets Busy
With that said, between that and continuing with my other part time job, the physical toll of it has taking the place of my workouts most days, as the ongoing physical demands each shift feel like HIIT Circuit Training!! It's getting a bit easier, but there are still some things that I physically can't do yet, like lift anything over 30 lbs above my head, and sometimes things on the top of the racks in the fridge and freezer make me ask for help, but I'm getting there.
Today was the last day for the Isagenix promo with free enrollment. I'm so glad that some friends have taken a step in their own journeys to try to get the nutrition they and their families need. Some got their initial orders in 2 days!! That's insane! Glad I work with a company that truly puts their customers first.
I'm contemplating doing Zumba classes on base. I would want to do Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, so I'm going to head to the fitness center tomorrow and see if that would be feasible. I'm thinking about starting in August, when most people are back from all their vacations, people PCSing in are settled, and it would also give me time to get some great routines choreographed, as well as find care for my lil guy if his Daddy has to work.
As some of you have seen, my child is fully taking advantage of the Kids Bowl Free program, which allows your child to bowl 2 free games everyday throughout the summer. He usually bowls his 2 and then you turn around and he's on game 7!! Luckily the bowling center on base has $1 games through the summer outside of the free bowling coupons, so it's not so bad.
So much going on, but it keeps me sane! Hope you all had a great weekend, and for those of you that have had some trials this week, just know you are strong, loved and deserving of happiness! I got you!! Lots of love... Cher
Friday, June 2, 2017
World Eating Disorders Action Day - June 2nd #WeDoActTogether
While the subject is sometimes hard to talk about, there are 5 key messages to get across today.
Key Messages Of World Eating Disorder Action Day
- Advocate for early intervention and evidence-based treatment.
- Affirm parents/families as key players in their children’s/loved one’s treatment and recovery.
- Call for increased diversity in research, narratives, media, and professionals working in the field, so as to uplift marginalized communities and underrepresented global regions.
- Address the lack of access to affordable, culturally competent, representative and comprehensive care among underserved populations.
- Promote that eating disorders are treatable at all ages/stages.
Spread the word today with the hashtag #WeDoActTogether or #WeDoAct2017
For more information, materials, events and education, please visit
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
What's Aging You?
There are so many was to slow the aging process by keeping up on our nutrition, exercising and minimizing stress. Sitting around, eating processed crap and allowing our daily struggles to get the best of us does us no good.
Get up and get moving, and make sure that you are tackling each day with a commitment to yourself in living a healthy lifestyle. There are things you can be doing to help yourself do all this, and pass that knowledge along. Please watch this short video, and contact me about getting started, or what other options are available to you!
Get the system and save, or sign up and save! Contact me to find out how!
Get up and get moving, and make sure that you are tackling each day with a commitment to yourself in living a healthy lifestyle. There are things you can be doing to help yourself do all this, and pass that knowledge along. Please watch this short video, and contact me about getting started, or what other options are available to you!
Get the system and save, or sign up and save! Contact me to find out how!
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Healthy Aging and Telomere Support System |
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Food - Contributor to Poor Health
Every time we put something in ours or our childrens' mouths, we make a choice on how we want food to affect our health. I personally have seen people take more time and effort into what their pets eat than themselves, or their children. While kids will be kids, we still have the ultimate say in what they eat. I'm not going to sit here and lecture anyone, because my own child loves his Happy Meals, but I limit when he's able to get one, and make sure that he eats healthy as much as possible, and supplement when I know he is not getting proper nutrition because he refuses to eat this or that.
There are so many opinions on what is or is not considered healthy, but let's face it, more and more Americans will question the contents and/or price of a nutrition shake than they will that burger or pizza from a national fast food chain. Why is that? In my personal opinion it comes with growing up with the familiarity and normalcy of these chains and their foods, and not growing up with the basic knowledge of nutrition and using food as fuel, and not as a social or emotional pairing.
Think about it. I know as a female, we grow up with the pictures of devouring ice cream when we are sad or depressed. Pouring on the chocolate sauce while taking a large spoon directly into the container, instead of portioning it out. As kids, it's the pizza party after the big game, or buffet family style eating at a reception or back yard barbecue. We grow up with these images and examples, so no wonder it's hard to "deprogram" ourselves. Some have eating disorders that arise from trauma, or the need to control something in their lives when everything around them is out of control. It's hard to change our mindset at times when it comes to food, because not only is it accessible, it's survival, and habits are hard to break.
We need a return to the conscious effort of using food as fuel. To make sure our choices are wise, well thought out, and nutritious. Whether that is supplementing, prepping, planning or just making sure healthy choices are in our homes, it's a step in the right direction. Good health starts in the kitchen and in those food choices we make every day. Several choices daily, not only for ourselves, but for our families. We can encourage and push toward a healthy lifestyle, and hope that it is a new normalcy in the generations to come.
Have a great day! #startyourlife
Monday, May 22, 2017
Toning Up For Summer
Everywhere you look online there are articles, blogs and people with advice on how to "tone up for summer". Fact is, everyone has their own belief on what works, or more importantly, what worked for them. Well, I'm not here to give anyone advice, as I'm heading into summer myself with only a few pounds lost, 30 lbs to go and far from "tone". We all have our journey to take, and whether it's proper nutrition, workouts, or keeping up a healthy lifestyle, there are a few things that fitness and health experts DO agree on when it comes to getting tone for summer.
First, vary up your workouts. We all have our favorite workouts, whether step aerobics, dance fitness, HITT, weight lifting, yoga, etc. It's where we feel comfortable, or the routine that makes us feel the most accomplished. Try to find something to mix it up a bit. You'll be amazed what muscle groups you might be missing by sticking to only one type of workout or routine.
Protein-pacing is effective in helping your body tone up. Research has shown that protein pacing can help you maximize muscle maintenance during weight loss and muscle building when combined with exercise. There is also IF - intermittent fasting. One study found that during a day of IF (or a Cleanse Day), the body conserves muscle by increasing the use of body fat for fuel and increasing growth hormone levels. These findings show that muscle loss is not a concern during Cleanse Days. If anything, making sure to work in regular Cleanse Days might help you achieve faster results.
School is almost over and summer is upon us. Let's get moving and accountable! Have a great week! - Cher
School is almost over and summer is upon us. Let's get moving and accountable! Have a great week! - Cher
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Happy Mother's Day - Recipe: PIZZA!!
There are so many people to celebrate when it comes to Mother's Day, so wishing you ALL a very Happy Mother's Day, and today I'm spotlighting an amazing mom I've known within the online community for almost 10 years. When I started my blog here in 2008, in looking around for other health and fitness blogs, Josie quickly became one of my favorite bloggers with her strong sense of self, quirky and hilarious posts and videos, and her commitment to her family. You rock woman, and have been an inspiration and friend in my head for all these years! You can visit her over at!
I wanted to share with you this amazing recipe she put up on her YouTube channel for some good ole pizza that is guilt free and can help you lose weight and curb those cravings!! Check it out! Enjoy your Sunday! - Cher
Friday, May 12, 2017
Spotlight: Military Spouse Appreciation Day
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Shanda & Melissa |
When these two ladies aren't inspiring and motivating others to eat right and get moving, they are hardworking, busy moms, who seem to manage everything in stride and look amazing doing it! They are the core to a No Excuses Spring Challenge group, where accountability and honesty are key, and everyone shares their triumphs and setbacks, pictures of their meal preps, calories burned and physical progress. They even came up with workout calendars and lists of recipes they have compiled over the years. They don't receive any monetary compensation for sharing all their knowledge, just the joy and satisfaction of seeing friends succeed in their journey to health and happiness. Hopefully recognizing them in this way, they can truly feel the appreciation from all of us in the group, including this busy mom!
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Step Class |
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Melissa's Kiddos |
She has been married to her husband for over 12 years, and they have been together for 15. They met in Montana were they had their first three kiddos, and then after moving here to Idaho, she is now a mom of 4!! Ages 12, 9, 6 & 3! If she doesn't inspire you, I'm not sure what will. She feels blessed to be able to do what she loves to do, and we feel blessed to have crossed paths with her!
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Shanda & Family |
Her main passion, besides her family of course, is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helping others to do the same. She is a devoted wife, mother, daughter and friend, and as mentioned before, teamed up with Melissa in this amazing No Excuses Spring Challenge for the months of April and May.
These two strong woman prove to all of us that life is a series of choices and consistency, and that doesn't have to include boring compromise! They are unapologetically authentic and amazing souls that create an atmosphere of goal-oriented acceptance, support and family. Cheers to you, Melissa and Shanda! Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!
Comment below if these ladies inspire you, or if you like to recognize and show appreciation to a military spouse! Have a great day!! - Cheryl
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Athletes - Get AMPED!!!
Whether it's preparing for your workout, training for an event, or game day, we need nutrients to sustain us, hydrate us and help us. I know some people that go from store to store, or purchase from multiple online companies to get what they feel they need to do this. What I love is that with Isagenix, there is a complete AMPED line that helps from preparation to rest and repair. It includes the following:
- AMPED Power is a pre-workout supplement designed to prepare your body for better strength and power before exercise.
- AMPED NOX is a pre-workout shot that supports nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to cells so your muscles can function efficiently and prevent fatigue.
- AMPED Hydrate is the perfect sports drink to stay hydrated and refreshed during your workout.
- AMPED Fuel is a conveniently packaged mid-workout gel that helps sustain endurance during any extended or demanding activity.
- AMPED Recover is a post-workout drink with branched-chain amino acids to support muscle rebuilding and recovery.
Get everything you need to keep your workouts, training and game going STRONG!! Check out more in the video below, or to purchase contact or visit me at!
Monday, May 8, 2017
How Do YOU Hydrate??
The Huffington Post spoke to top nutritionists to find out the best and worst ways to hydrate if you're planning on outdoor exercise. Of course, the number one choice is plain water -- their experts recommend aiming for 20 ounces two hours before a workout --but if you're looking to mix things up a bit, here are some good options, along with some ones to avoid.
Good Choices:
Coconut Water
Infused Water
Caffeinated Drinks (coffee/tea only)
Chocolate Milk
Sports Drinks
Bad Choices:
Energy Drinks
Super Cold Drinks
So tell me, do you agree or disagree with their choices? Why or why not? I would love to hear your input. Please be sure to read the article and go through the slides and see why they choose what they did for these lists before answering.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Detoxing vs Cleansing

Welcome to your detox lesson and how your body already has its own built-in detox sytsem. You have your lungs that detoxify by removing gas, your skin that reduces the penetration of toxic substances, and your digestive system that eliminates toxic foods through vomiting or diarrhea. Then you have your two tried and true organs, the kidneys that detoxify by secreting or filtering toxins out of the blood and dispose of them through urine, and your liver that detoxifies by changing the chemical nature of many toxins. Viola! Body detoxified!!
Then there is cleansing. Cleansing is what happens when you help your body's cells get rid of the extra nutrients it has stored up in excess, which can lead to metabolic issues and even weight gain. Although some may think this is only for a person with an unhealthy diet, it happens quite often when people are living a healthy lifestyle, take nutritional supplements, and eat small, but frequent, meals during the day. No matter what your diet, cleansing is a great way to support your body's own autophagy process, which is basically your cells' own internal cleansing process. It gives your hard-working body a break!
To learn more about cleansing and adding cleanse days to your lifesyle, click here, or contact me for more information on how to get started and what food and products can help you with this healthy lifestyle game changer!
Friday, May 5, 2017
Recipe: Tomato Garden Salsa
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Tomato Garden Salsa |
Include even more Greens! in your next batch of flavorful salsa!
Serves 4. 5 minute prep time
- 2-3 fresh tomatoes, stems removed, finely diced
- 1 jalapeño* (stems, ribs, and seeds removed), finely diced
- 1 Serrano chili* (stems, ribs, and seeds removed), finely diced
- ½ red onion, finely diced
- ½ cup chopped cilantro
- Juice of 1 lime
- 1 tbsp Isagenix Greens™
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Optional: oregano and/or cumin to taste
Combine all of the ingredients in a medium bowl and taste. If the chilies make the salsa too hot, add more chopped tomato. If not hot enough, carefully add seeds from remaining chilies. Serve with sliced vegetables.
*Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after handling and avoid touching your eyes.
Set aside some of the seeds from the peppers.
One serving: 36 calories, 1.3 g protein, 0.4 g fat, 7.9 g carbs, 1.8 g fiber
For more recipes and info on Isagenix Greens!, CLICK HERE!
Enjoy your day!! - Cheryl
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Creative Rewards!
As the saying goes above, it stands true for your kids, too!!! Being a mom of two very strong-willed boys, it's hard not to use the old, "if you behave, you'll get a treat!" Luckily, I've changed my tune with my 6 year old, and now it's, "if you are good," - "we'll go bowling" or "we'll head to the kids' gym', or even, "you can have your iPad a day early". It's so easy from a parent's perspective to know what your kid loves and craves (outside of food) and make those a reward. There are even some states that have made lists for educators, so they pick something else, instead of food to reward their students in class!!
How is it we have a hard time rewarding ourselves in the same way? In the diet world, we learn about "cheat days" and "free days". We reward ourselves for eating right and exercising all week long, only to pig out and sit on our butts these days. What a way to defeat the whole purpose of trying to live a healthy lifestyle!
Don't get me wrong! There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little temptation in moderation, but we need to stop looking at it as a reward for our hard work. That would be like doing a paint by numbers picture perfectly all week, and on the weekend just splattering colors all over it. In the end, they both ruin and sabotage all your hard work, and can sometimes make you want to give up.
Find things that YOU enjoy and reward yourself with those! Stayed on track all week? Reward yourself with that new lipstain, leggings, top or dress you've been eyeing. Plan a ladies night to do something fun or learn a new sport or activity! It doesn't always have to be monetary, either. You can reward yourself with a bubble bath, or an extra few hours of sleep, or even make bets with your kids and/our spouse that if you reach a certain goal, they have to take on some of the household chores that you usually do!
The point is, get creative!! Align the rewards with something that is actually REWARDING, not sabotaging your progress by giving you tastes of overindulgence... literally. I know you can do it! Much love!! - Cheryl
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Add Some Fiber to Your Shake!
Shake Addition
Fiber (g)
Insoluble Fiber (g)
Almonds (6
> 0.5
Flaxseed (1
Apple (1
Banana (½
(3/4 cup)
Psyllium hull
(1 teaspoon)
Instant oats
(1/3 cup dry)
Wheat germ (3
Friday, April 28, 2017
Recipe: Chocolate Crunch Custard
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Chocolate Crunch Custard with Raspberries |
This is better than ice cream! Tasty, creamy IsaLean® Shake and IsaDelight® chocolates in one frozen treat? Your can have it without fruit, or add the fruit of your choice! Any type of berries make a great addition. Sign me up!!!
Serves 1-2. 10 minute prep time.
- 2 scoops (or 1 packet) Creamy Dutch Chocolate IsaLean® Shake
- 4 oz water
- Handful of ice
- 2 IsaDelight® chocolates, chopped into small pieces
- 1 SlimCake®, crumbled
- 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
Blend IsaLean Shake with water and ice in an IsaBlender® until creamy. Pour mixture into bowl and stir in IsaDelight chocolates. Top with SlimCake and fresh raspberries and enjoy!
For more information and other recipes, contact me at or CLICK HERE!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Spring Clean Your Body!
To be able to get your mind right, ask yourself questions like, "What am I willing to do every day to start living healthier?" Right off the bat, what comes to mind? Eat right and exercise, right? While some are able to jump right in, full on and change everything regarding the food they eat and the exercise plan they want to follow, others like myself are taking smaller steps. Sometimes changing everything all at once can be the biggest factor in people quitting and feeling that they can't make these change. You may have friends or family, or even celebrities that you follow and think, how do they do all that? They're crazy! I don't have time to do all that. The fact is, you CAN do all that, but it takes time, and through trial and error, you can achieve it.
When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle is 75-80% NUTRITION! When we start to look at food as fuel, we change our response to social and emotional situations. Planning and/or prepping meals to meet our nutritional goals and needs is always beneficial. While not everyone enjoys eating the same thing every day for lunch or dinner, for some meal prepping works. For those like myself, the least you can do is PLAN!! Make a list or calendar of what you are having for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc. Shop only for the items in your plan. This keeps you from having unhealthy options at home. If you work, make sure you have your planned go-to snacks in your desk or company break room. No one knows you better than you, so if you like sweet, make sure you have fruits or nutrition bars/cookies available. If you need to have something with a crunch, stock up on nuts, or a crunchy bag snack from your favorite health and nutrition store. It's about planning ahead so you succeed. Educate yourself, plan for yourself, and gradually add onto what you are already doing.
Learn to make S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself!!
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Timely
When you figure our your why's, identified your goals, plan and prepare your environment for success in your quest for a healthy lifestyle, share your experiences with your friends and family! There is great support out there, and research shows that people have much more success when they have at least one person that shared their passion for change. You got this! And after repetition, and slowly incorporating all your goals, guess what? You end up living the healthy lifestyle you've always wanted.
So forget the resolution and SPRING CLEAN YOUR BODY!! If you would like more information in identifying problem areas, contact me for a full nutritional assessment, and we can go from there!
Monday, April 24, 2017
Muscle & Flexibility Nutrition
Last year when I was hospitalized with ketoacidosis, it wreaked havoc and destroyed the muscles in my body. After almost a month of being bedridden, when I tried to do the simplest of tasks, I had the heartbreaking reality of how bad it took a toll on my body. Walking stairs took forever, as I would shake uncontrollably, gripping the railing and hoping I didn't fall. Trying to reach for anything over shoulder level was next to impossible, and if I WAS able to reach the item, it felt 10x the weight it actually was. I cried so much during that time in my life, feeling sorry for myself, wondering if I would ever reach a point where I felt confidant in myself again, and be able to repair and rebuild the muscle I lost, and regain the flexibility I needed to do every day tasks. Thankfully, almost a year later, I am rebuilding and regaining, and excited of what milestones I'll reach. Heck, I was even able to finally bowl 2 games with my son this past Saturday! Lately, I can reach behind my back to latch or unlatch my bra without wanting to cry in pain. Amazing what small tasks we can take for granted.
Most of us know that it takes a lot of nutrients to maintain muscle, and one word is almost synonymous with muscle. PROTEIN! The amino acids from protein help with repair and growth, not only to the muscle itself, but the connective tissues that surround your muscles. That's where flexibility comes into play - connective tissues. There are also other VERY important nutrients that help increase flexibility. Here are 7 of those:
- Protein - As mentioned, it is essential for building and repairing muscle and connective tissues
- Vitamin C - It supports pathways for the synthesis of collagen and elastin that make up muscle fascia. Fascia are the connective tissues that wraps up the muscle fibers and hold the together, forming muscle groups and provide lubrication for movement. HUGE factor in flexibility.
- Trace minerals - copper, molybdenum, selenium & sinz. This quad squad support enzymes also support the pathways for the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
- Omega-3 fatty acids - They support protein synthesis in muscle and help to maintain muscle toe and flexibility.
While I was on Omega-3 fatty acids for a while, which helped, I totally noticed a change the last 3 weeks using my new system of nutrition that included plant-based proteins, trace minerals and Vitamin C. Eating foods rich in these 7 have and adding my supplements of things I wasn't getting enough of have not only improved my range of motion, but it wasn't until I reached for the laundry detergent, that sits on a shelf above my head, and I reached up and brought it down, with no issues. It may not seem like a big deal, but I used to have to get a step stool and then support my arm that was grasping it with my other arm, and sometimes, as soon as it came off the shelf, it almost dropped because of the pain and weakness, crashing on top of the washing machine. Yes... it was THAT BAD! So when I reached up with out a step stool (no issues), grasped and raised it off the shelf (no issues), and brought down gently (no issues), it wasn't until I poured some detergent in, placed it back on it's shelf and walked away that I stopped. I actually just did that!!!! No pain. No shaking. No feelings of weakness or needing help. It was an awesome feeling.
Finding my way through all my nutritional education (I have a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science) is fun at times, especially when I'm my own science experiment! The geek in me celebrates! If you have any questions about the nutrients I eat and want to learn more, be sure to contact me! I'd love to help you with a nutritional assessment and make recommendations for you! Here's to your health! Have an amazing day!!
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Not only can music put you in the right mindset by affecting your mood, making workouts more enoyable, it distracts your mind and dissociates yourself from feelings of fatigue and tiredness. Music can also influence the intensity of your workouts! Get that loud base pumping or the right lyrics, and you are crushing it!!
Personally I think music also helps take a 30-60 minute workout and makes time fly! When focusing on the songs, they get you happy, bopping (or thrashing) around, you belt out some of your favorite lyrics (sorry family) and next thing you know it's over and you're left a heavy-breathing, sweaty, satisfied human! It's most likely one of the reasons various aerobic classes are so popular. With music pumping and an instructor pushing, and with the energy from others in the room, that class seems like it's done and over quick!
So ladies and gentleman.... TURN IT UP!!! What are some of your favorite workout songs? Comment below! Have a a great weekend, everyone!!
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Thyroid Condition? Check this out!

CLICK HERE to read about incorporating amazing nutrition into your life and other things you can do to manage your thyroid condition. If you are ready to start feeling better and take control of your health, contact me through the form on the right bar of this blog, and we can individualize a plan just for you! There's no one way, just the RIGHT way for YOU!
Monday, April 17, 2017
Stressed Out? Try Adaptogens!
There are so many stresses in our every day lives. They can come from every where, everything and anything, and they can really take a toll on our overall health and well being. Thankfully, nature has given us ADAPTOGENS!!
Adaptogens are unique class of herbal ingredients used to improve the health of your Adrenal system - which manages the body’s hormonal response to stress. By tonifying and rejuvenating the entire adrenal system, they promote the healthy regulation of cortisol the “stress hormone”.
Because adaptogens work like a thermostat: they sense imbalances and naturally correct them. They can calm you down and boost your energy at the same time. They enable the body’s cells to access more energy and help the body utilize oxygen more efficiently. They’re called adaptogens because of their unique ability to “adapt” their function according to your body’s specific needs. Some adaptogens include Wolfberry, Eleuthero root, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Bacopa, Schizandra and more.
Watch the video below to learn more and contact me if you would like to see what adding adaptogens to your daily regimen can do for you! I know they have started to change my life. I've been calmer, less irritable, and more focused on things that matter, instead of stressing out over things I have no control over.
Adaptogens are unique class of herbal ingredients used to improve the health of your Adrenal system - which manages the body’s hormonal response to stress. By tonifying and rejuvenating the entire adrenal system, they promote the healthy regulation of cortisol the “stress hormone”.
Because adaptogens work like a thermostat: they sense imbalances and naturally correct them. They can calm you down and boost your energy at the same time. They enable the body’s cells to access more energy and help the body utilize oxygen more efficiently. They’re called adaptogens because of their unique ability to “adapt” their function according to your body’s specific needs. Some adaptogens include Wolfberry, Eleuthero root, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Bacopa, Schizandra and more.
Watch the video below to learn more and contact me if you would like to see what adding adaptogens to your daily regimen can do for you! I know they have started to change my life. I've been calmer, less irritable, and more focused on things that matter, instead of stressing out over things I have no control over.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Recipe: Protein Balls
Not every protein treat is a shake or a bar. These protein balls are a great way to change up your routine and make something nutritious and delicious.
Serves 2-4 - 30 minute prep time
- 1 cup old fashioned oats
- 1/3 cup honey
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 1 cup shredded coconut
- 1 IsaDelight® in Milk or Dark Chocolate
- 2 scoops IsaPro® Chocolate
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix together with a spoon. Roll into balls and place on a plate covered with wax paper. Top the plate with aluminum foil or place the balls in a plastic container. Set the contents in a refrigerator for 30 minutes before consuming . Enjoy!
For more information and other recipes, contact me at or CLICK HERE!
Thursday, April 13, 2017
How to Fix Your 3rd Meal Issues

Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Setbacks and Self Sabotage
What really sucked was that we had gotten a new treadmill, and without the ability to breath just sitting on my couch, tackling the treadmill after meals to help with my blood sugar wasn't happening. I've yet to get on it, but determined by the end of the week to start my program. The extra weight has been taking it's toll. What I find amazing is how weak and sore I feel just from gaining the extra 30 lbs, and then I watch shows like My 600 lb Life and I cannot even imagine carrying all that weight, and the extra strain it puts on the body. Hell, between tearing up because my skin is burning from newly formed stretchmarks, or just being able to pick up my child, I feel so physically defeated sometimes.
One thing I do need to do is stop with the self sabotaging internal voice I seem to have lately. Some of you may be able to relate. It's the voice inside me that says, "I can't do this. What's the point?" The one that makes the plan to get something done, and when the time comes, I retreat back to old behaviors that serve no purpose but to keep me stagnant in my unhealthy and unproductive lifestyle. I know that part of that voice comes from my dysthymia, and while I recognize it as crippling me from achieving my goals and doing what I need to do, I can't seem to shake it. I may need to seek professional help in dealing with some of my demons that have been torturing me since I got deathly ill last year. Those that do not understand the impact of depression have no place in my life, because their "get over it" attitude is ignorant to say the least, and doesn't do anyone, especially me, any good.
There have been a lot of other things have been going on that have been mentally, emotionally and physically draining, and they certainly play a part as well. I just want to get better. I want to be WELL! Hopefully I can get back to feeling positive and healthy, instead of feeling so lost and worthless.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Water Water Water
Side note: I took this picture at my desk at work, and just noticed that there's my science handout for my classes regarding "mixtures". LOL Oh the irony! Have a great day all!
Friday, February 3, 2017
Pushing Through the Pain
Getting back to a slow and steady workout routine is difficult enough as it is sometimes, and when there is pain involved, it can suck even harder! Some of the exercises involving raising my arms above my shoulders, like jumping jacks, or even side stretches left me gripping my upper right arm in tears. Two years ago I tore my deltoid by overthrowing during softball practice, and it has never been the same. After going into ketoacidosis, this deteriorated the muscle even more. I can't throw a ball any decent distance like I use to. I can't overhand pitch, hell I can't even shoot a basketball from the freethrow line anymore, and for someone that was a long time tomboy and did well in sports, it sucks... BIG TIME!!
I've been getting in short bursts of moderate exercise at school too by tossing the basketball or football around with my students on breaks, or playing cornhole with the new sets the principal ordered. Cornhole is easier since it's an underhand toss instead of an overhand throw. Even at home, getting things from shelves above my shoulders can be okay one minute and the next leave me gripping my arm once again from the intense pain. But I'm trying to work through it, and eventually, I'm hoping it will improve. Time and fitness training are the only things that will help it.
Funny thing is, planks are no problem. See, the way the muscle is, that position doesn't hurt my arm. Pushups are another story, and again, any stretching above my shoulders. But I'll get there. I pushed through the painful moments of my BodBot workouts this week (they only started me off on every other day), and so far, so good. Some weak moments, and some... "damn I still got it!" moments.
Trying to use my blog as a way of keeping myself accountable again. While I may still be sitting in the 180's on the scale, I'm trying to create a routine. I know I will have to increase my intensity and get my heart rate up and get my cardio on, and I'll admit I'm scared. I envy people that get injured and just want to get back out there with the same gusto and drive as they had before they were. For me, my fear of getting hurt, or falling down and embarrassing myself has a hold on me right now. I wish I could say I'm just going to bust out of that blanket of fear and go for it, but it plays mind games with me. I'm not mentally strong right now, but just like my physical fitness and weight loss goals. I'll get there. It's a process and achievements in the making.
Have a great weekend!
I've been getting in short bursts of moderate exercise at school too by tossing the basketball or football around with my students on breaks, or playing cornhole with the new sets the principal ordered. Cornhole is easier since it's an underhand toss instead of an overhand throw. Even at home, getting things from shelves above my shoulders can be okay one minute and the next leave me gripping my arm once again from the intense pain. But I'm trying to work through it, and eventually, I'm hoping it will improve. Time and fitness training are the only things that will help it.
Funny thing is, planks are no problem. See, the way the muscle is, that position doesn't hurt my arm. Pushups are another story, and again, any stretching above my shoulders. But I'll get there. I pushed through the painful moments of my BodBot workouts this week (they only started me off on every other day), and so far, so good. Some weak moments, and some... "damn I still got it!" moments.
Trying to use my blog as a way of keeping myself accountable again. While I may still be sitting in the 180's on the scale, I'm trying to create a routine. I know I will have to increase my intensity and get my heart rate up and get my cardio on, and I'll admit I'm scared. I envy people that get injured and just want to get back out there with the same gusto and drive as they had before they were. For me, my fear of getting hurt, or falling down and embarrassing myself has a hold on me right now. I wish I could say I'm just going to bust out of that blanket of fear and go for it, but it plays mind games with me. I'm not mentally strong right now, but just like my physical fitness and weight loss goals. I'll get there. It's a process and achievements in the making.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Six More Weeks

For those of us with extra fluff, winter is always forgiving when it comes to clothes, with over-sized long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and hoodies. We don't really look overweight, we just look "warm", right? It's been a struggle with trying to get my body to move in the cold, but I did find this great website and app called BodBot. You enter in all your information and it makes workouts FOR you. You'll get your list either via email, or on your app. The days you do not get one are your rest days, or days you can choose other activities. As you do the reps, you mark them off as you go, and by the time you are done... complete workout done! I tweeked mine by adding what equipment I have and do not have, so most of my workout can be done anywhere, no equipment needed. It's great, and there is also a feature (like most fitness apps) where you can upgrade and it will track much more, analyze your progess, help you meal plan in order to reach your goals faster.
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Screenshot of my BodBot App |
Of course my goal is to get back down to 150 lbs, so I have about 30+ lbs to lose, and my biggest issue has always been exercise. I like finding things that are fun, so that it doesn't feel like a chore. I lost a lot of weight when I was playing softball, but with a blown knee and torn muscles in my throwing arm, that's not an option anymore. I hate that my range of motion and body has limitations now. I'm actively seeking things that will help me out, and of course I'll always have Zumba and dance fitness, like Caleb Marshall - The Fitness Marshall!! He cracks me up!
I'll just keep on keeping on and hopefully be ready for spring in 6 weeks! Ciao for now!
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